About Us

We Are One Family

For fifty years, SBH has stood as a pillar of charity and volunteerism in the community. Although the organization itself has grown exponentially since its inception in May 1974, its core values of selflessness and responsibility have never wavered. For decades, SBH has been dedicated to the caring of those less fortunate. It is the shoulder to cry on, the lifeline, the answer to your calls for help. Countless leaders have been born, friendships formed, and prides restored. Its truisms have become a part of the very fabric of what it means to be part of “the community”; To care for your neighbor as if they are your brother, to give with compassion, discretion and respect, asking for nothing in return. The breadth and depth of our programs and services now reach each and every family and individual. Whether you have been on the giving or receiving line, you have taken part in the building of an agency that you can be proud to call your own. We thank you for all you have done in helping us reach this point and look forward to many more generations of loving kindness.

Our Mission

Sharing Building Healing

  • For fifty years our mission has been to care for people in need with compassion, discretion and respect.
  • Guided and inspired by the timeless principles of kindness and charity, SBH works hand in hand with a network of devoted volunteers and professionals to address the community’s needs with a strong commitment to excellence.
  • SBH helps both individuals and entire families in crisis, imbuing them with a strength and self-esteem to cope effectively with challenges, achieve self- sufficiency, and rise with dignity to their utmost potential.


In 1974, we started with a small group of people meeting in a private home. We would get the names of our community members that were in the hospital and we would visit them. We would bring them a plant and try to cheer them up to speed up their recovery. Each week we would come together and share with each other how the hospital visits went. We talked among ourselves and inspired ourselves to go out again the next week to try and make a difference in the lives of sick people.

As time went on, we started to visit people at their homes after they were discharged from the hospital to see how they were doing. In many cases, when we visited homes we found that there wasn’t enough food in the house, their children were neglected, that many families weren’t functioning normally. We then came together and began to give after care support. And, to make a long story very short, after a number of years, we have become a full social service agency. We help the poor with food, with housing, with mental and medical care. We help all needy people that come to us with whatever help they need to improve the quality of their lives. We have hundreds of volunteers working in the far corners of the community, reaching out and touching thousands of people.

  • Nathan Krasnovsky Chief Executive Officer
  • Janet Abed Chief Operating Officer
  • Jeff Gass Chief Financial Officer
  • Ralph Tawil Chief Development Officer
  • Judy Shacalo Director of Development
  • Miriam Barry Director of SEARCH
  • Rhonda Chabbott Administrative Director of Counseling Center
  • Dina Kraiem Wahba Director of Community Outreach and Engagement
  • Sarah Sarway Dabbah Director of Marketing
  • Lillian Esses Program Coordinator, Fertility Division
  • Loren Hakim Site Director, SBH Jersey Branch
  • Tziporah Langer Clinical Director of Counseling Center
  • Shlomo Lieberman Director of Mental Health
  • Simon Nissim Interim Director of Client Division
  • Dr. Susan Schmool Director of Mental Health Resource
  • Rita Shabot Director of Career Division
  • Jewel Shapiro Operations Manager
  • Victoria Sutton Director of Senior Division
  • Etan Walls Director of Medical Division

Charity Navigator is the nation’s largest & most- utilized independent evaluator of charities.

SBH has received its highest 4-star rating for 8 years in a row. This recognizes SBH for its accountability, transparency and governance.


We thank our donors for trusting SBH to be the community’s safety net. Your support is what lets SBH help those in need in so many different ways.




Behind Each Number

is a family & their world

Dear SBH, You have helped my family in unimaginable ways.

For those of you at SBH who don’t know my story, let me fill you in. My wife and I got married with bright hopes for our future. We lived a wonderful life – I had a steady job, my wife gave birth to three beautiful children. We were what you would call “normal” or “mainstream.” One of my daughters has special medical needs, but we were always able to deal with it.

Then quicker than the blink of an eye, I found myself jobless. I tried, I looked for a new job, went for interviews; but to no avail. To make matters worse, I could not continue to afford the special needs that my daughter needed. Soon, our savings ran out, and I could not even give my children basic things, like food and clothing. It was surreal. I never thought that I , a regular “normal” person, would ever find myself in this situation.

Somehow, I got in touch with SBH. They assigned me a captain. I can’t even begin to explain to you the lengths that she went to help us. My captain was constantly calling – asking how my day was going, what was missing, if I was happy. She helped me find a low paying job, while at the same time helping me search for better employment. SBH began to pay my utility bills, taking that extra pressure off my back. I never had to go to sleep afraid that my gas or lights would be shut off, or that my children would be freezing in the long winter nights. Plus, she put my wife and me in touch with a counselor in SBH to teach us how to cope effectively with all the difficulties we were facing.

I want to share with you one day that will be etched into my memory forever. It was a gray rainy day outside, and I walked into the SBH building…I sat down to meet my social worker, speaking about routine things and ways that she could help us. She brought up my daughter’s situation and all of a sudden, I burst into tears. I could handle what was going on in my life, but to watch my daughter hurt, while I was unable to do anything, just about killed me. Through my sobs, I told my social worker, “ I would do anything for her – I’d rather give her what she needs than put food on the table.” I didn’t think SBH could do anything for me. You had already done so much for us and this was not a life or death situation. But, just like that, I was put in touch with SBH’s Make a Wish and Medstar’s One Dream at a Time, and they truly made my dreams come true. My heart nearly burst with happiness when they told me they would be able to help with her medical needs.

I am not going to tell you that today my life is back to what it used to be. It is not, but I am ok with that. All of you at SBH have given me so much – whether physically, emotionally, intentionally, or unintentionally. Every phone call, email, volunteer at my house, and kind smile did not go unnoticed. I don’t want to think of where I would be right now if you hadn’t entered my life.