“It is amazing to think that SBH is in its 50th year – and still growing. At SBH, our philosophy has always been to meet the needs of the community and anticipate them even before they arise. Just as our illustrious community came from humble beginnings, SBH has grown exponentially since inception. Through the decades, our mission has never wavered, and we will continue to meet the challenges head on.
Brooklyn, Jersey Shore, Manhattan and Lakewood community members have been supported by SBH through all stages of life. From babies born to couples going through infertility, all the way to our seniors seeking social engagement and personal fulfilment, anywhere a client may be on their journey of life, SBH will be there to meet them. We support children needing an extra hand to succeed in school, those facing mental health struggles, job seekers looking to excel in their careers, emergency crisis management, and so much more. We are here with open arms, a warm and supportive environment, a gentle ear, and a sense of family.
At SBH, our biggest win is when we have the opportunity to empower a client in need, giving them tools and skills in order to become independent, and perhaps one day become volunteers, donors and supporters themselves.
In order for us to be successful in this massive undertaking, we rely on many of our partners. Without you – our donors and volunteers – we wouldn’t be in a position to offer hundreds of services and endless support to our fellow community members in need. It is with financial generosity and countless hours of volunteer commitment that we can put our clients on a path to a fruitful and happy life.
As our community grows, so does our purpose. But one thing remains the same: SBH will always be there for you when you need us.”
President, Sephardic Bikur Holim