SBH offers unlimited opportunities to channel personal skills, knowledge, talent, compassion, and good intentions into helping others. Volunteers working together and independently throughout the SBH network, help make life better for people of all ages – from youths to senior citizens.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Email to talk with our team and find the opportunity right for you!
Current Programs
Click on program to see details

Interview Prep
Resume Writers
Resume Writers
If you are an expert in making people look good on paper (or you want to learn how), volunteering to help job seekers write resumes is a great way to help our community members succeed. Contact Us
Job Coaching
Job Coaching
Career Division's Job Coaching program is an extraordinary way to help fellow community members get back on their feet. CSN evaluates volunteers’ level and area of expertise, and matches them with job seekers for whom they provide support and guidance. Contact Us
Summer Internship Program
Summer Internship Program
Develop leadership skills, communication skills, and lay the foundation for a successful career. Contact Us
Peer Mentorship
Peer Mentorship
Connect the young adults of our community with mentors who they can reach out for career-related advice, guidance and help accomplishing goals. Build relationships and networks that will prove invaluable in the professional world. Contact Us
Skills Training Programs
Elliot & Joe Franco & Families Career Coaches Program

Captains Program
Captains Program
Captains and social workers are paired with SBH clients to address emotional, financial, and physical needs. Contact Us
Canvases for a Cause
Canvases for a Cause
Volunteers stitch personalized talet and tefillin bags for clients’ special events, including bar mitzvah and wedding. Contact Us
Open a Home
Open a Home
Open a Home helps clients get started on the right foot by providing the basic necessities they need to “open a home”. Items provided are linens, towels, hangers, bathroom accessories, and other miscellaneous items. Contact Us
School Supplies Collection

Sara Ann's Closet
Sara Ann's Closet
Help organize the clothing in Sara Ann's Closet (Tuesdays from 10 AM - 12 PM 1957 McDonald Avenue). Contact Us

Amy Haber a"h Reach For the Stars Sunday Program
Amy Haber a"h Reach For the Stars Sunday Program
Spend time with special needs children on alternating Sundays. Contact Us
Lucille & Arthur Greenberg S.E.A.R.C.H. Program
Lucille & Arthur Greenberg S.E.A.R.C.H. Program
Enable our community's children and run relevant educational programming. Contact Us
Homework Club
Homework Club
Help students with their homework (Mondays and Wednesdays 5:45 PM- 6:45 PM at 425 Kings Highway) Contact Us

Sarah Sutton a"h Food Pantry
Hanan Family Shabbat Meals Program
Hanan Family Shabbat Meals Program
Cook homemade Shabbat meals for families in need (Drivers needed). Contact Us
Shabbat Hallot & Flowers
Shabbat Hallot & Flowers
Friday deliveries of flowers, hallot, and desserts to widows (bakers and drivers needed). Contact Us
Text to Shop
Sophie Levy a"h Meals on Wheels
Sophie Levy a"h Meals on Wheels
Cook meals on a short-terms basis for people in need (both cooks & drivers needed). Contact Us
Hospital Meals
Cooking with Soul
Family Plus One
Family Plus One
Cook one extra dish for the SBH Food Pantry every week (both cooks and drivers needed). Contact Us
Papa Joe's Snacks
Papa Joe's Snacks
Every Rosh Hodesh local schools collect snacks for clients' children. Contact Us
For The Love Of Dough
For The Love Of Dough
Host a hallah bake in your home to provide hallot for widows in our community. Contact Us
Volunteers are needed to drive food packages to SBH clients around Brooklyn. Contact Us

Monday Night - Food Pantry
Monday Night - Food Pantry
Volunteers pack and deliver boxes from the SBH Food Pantry to people in need (425 Kings Highway at 6:15 PM). Contact Us
Tuesday Night - Visiting
Wednesday Night - Backgammon & Bingo
Wednesday Night - Backgammon & Bingo
Play bingo with the seniors at Ahi Ezer (1960 East 7th Street at 6:15 PM). Contact Us
Thursday Night - Cooking
Friday Afternoon - Diane Azrak A"H Shabbat Hallot Program
Friday Afternoon - Diane Azrak A"H Shabbat Hallot Program
Deliver hallot to seniors at Ahi Ezer (meet at the Center at 2:15 PM) Contact Us
Helen's Hesed Heroes
Helen's Hesed Heroes
4th through 8th grade students meet every other week to do acts of hesed. Contact Us

Client Division
Client Division
Volunteers work in partnership with SBH Social workers to address clients’ various needs. Volunteers undergo an interview and subsequent training process prior to being matched with a client. Contact Us
Food Division
Food Division
The Food Pantry is always looking for volunteers to help stock, organize and deliver food for our clients. Contact Us
Cooking with Love
Holiday Programs
Holiday Programs
Holiday programs are hosted throughout the year to address clients specific holiday needs. Volunteers are an important part of the planning, development, and implementation of these programs. Contact Us
Home & Hospital Visits
Home & Hospital Visits
Volunteer visits make a lasting impact. Bring a friend and brighten someone’s day. Contact Us
Meals w/ Food Pantry and Cooking with Love
Meals w/ Food Pantry and Cooking with Love
Volunteers cook for community members in need. This is an easy hesed to help someone who just had a baby, is a little overwhelmed, or is homebound. Opportunities available for cooking and delivering. Contact Us
Professional Pro-Bono Group
Professional Pro-Bono Group
Volunteer attorneys, physicians and financial experts provide professional advice for clients on an as-needed basis. If you are a professional interested in donating your skills and expertise. Contact Us
Senior Division
Senior Division
Help organize senior programs during the afternoon. From set-up to clean-up you'll help our staff make the day special for our seniors. Contact Us
Volunteers drive community members to various local appointments and activities. Contact Us
Youth Division
Youth Division
This group organizes various hesed events during the year, such as:
Monday – Baking
Volunteers bake sweets for the senior program for Friday delivery.
Wednesday Night – Homework Club
High school students provide tutoring for students at the SBH office every week. Pizza and soda are provided.
Friday Afternoon – Hallot Delivery
Volunteers deliver hallot and baked goods on Friday to community seniors.
Job Coaches
Job Coaches
Become a mentor for an SBH Career Division Client. Offer your professional expertise while helping them navigate the job market. Contact Us

Meaningful Meals
Meaningful Meals
Volunteers cook meals on a short-term basis for anyone in the hospital, ill at home, experiencing a crisis, or tending to a newborn baby. Contact Us
Hospital/Home Visiting
Hospital/Home Visiting
Spearheading the “bikur holim” mission in Manhattan is our visiting program. Our wonderful, trained volunteer visitors bring joy to those who could use a little company or cheering up. Contact Us
Cooking for a Cause
Cooking for a Cause
Volunteers gather monthly at the Safra Synagogue to prepare delicious meals for the Pantry in a class led by a well-known community chef. Contact Us
Holiday Program
Holiday Program
During holiday times we have special programs that pertain to the holiday, such as our annual Hanukkah Toy Drive, Lulav and Etrog delivering, Chametz Drive, Mishloach Manot and more. Contact Us

Medical Volunteers
Medical Volunteers
Volunteers help with medical research, annual health screenings, lectures and skilled-based workshops, as well as office work, updating the Medstar physician/hospital database and national/international website. Contact Us
Toby & Ronny Hersh Medial Referral
Hospital Visitation Program

Mental Health Resource
Mental Health Resource
Get trained to help with our programs, lectures, and support groups. Contact Us

Golden Girls
Tech Team
Ralph & Gloria Harary Home Visitation Program
Ralph & Gloria Harary Home Visitation Program
Trained volunteers make visits to local community members. Contact Us
Senior Wellness Calls
Raymond Sultan a"h Young at Heart
Knitting Club
Holidays Programs
Holidays Programs
Volunteers are needed and welcomed to our annual holiday festivities for the community’s seniors. Contact Us
Senior Case Management Captains
Senior Case Management Captains
Captains and social workers are paired with vulnerable community seniors to address emotional, social, and physical needs. Contact Us

Disney Half Marathon
Junior Marathon
Team SBH Diane Azrak A"H 5k
NYC Half and Full Marathons

Volunteer Captains Program funded by UJA-Federation of New York
Volunteer Captains Program funded by UJA-Federation of New York
This innovative new program connects volunteers of similar skills and interests with a “Captain” in their designated area. Our team sends opportunities to the Volunteer Captains, who then share them with their groups in specialized areas such as law, medical, food, mental health, and more. This system allows us to fulfill the needs of our community by tapping into volunteers with experience in a variety of areas.
Contact Us
Hesed on the Go
Sedaka Boxes
Hesed Mission
Lorraine & Louis a"h Shamie Holiday Program
Lorraine & Louis a"h Shamie Holiday Program
Help us with Hanukkah Toy Store and drives, Lulav & Etrog, Rosh Hashana packages, Purim costumes, Matanot Le'evyonim, Mishloach Manot, Pesah packaging, and more. Contact Us
Event Set-Up

Young Adults
Snow Shoveling