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Programming for Youth, by Youth

With an eye toward the future and fostering the next generation of leaders, the Youth Division offers a plethora of programming and services tailored to the youth of our community. Through organizing and participating in weekly and specialty volunteer opportunities, children and teenagers are able to learn invaluable skills and the importance and blessing of giving back.

This Year's Highlights
Times Youth Participated In Weekly Cooking For Food Pantry
Times Youth Participated in 9 Days of Hesed Programs
Special Youth Events

Elementary School Hesed Program

Helen’s Hesed Heroes in loving memory of Helen Shalam a”h
This exciting bi weekly program offers 5th – 7th graders an opportunity to do organized acts of hesed around the neighborhood in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Joseph V. Harary a”h High School Hesed Program
Weekly and seasonal events for high school students offer an array of opportunities to do hesed in a social environment.

Abe & Barbara Franco Youth Leadership Program
Volunteer young adults ages 18+ coordinate and oversee programs, services and events for their age group and the community at large. Events include the Summer Youth Festival

Hallah Bake
High school students gather at one home to bake fresh hallah that will either be stocked in the Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry or delivered to seniors on the following Friday. 

Hunger Project 
Through an interactive and engaging program, school groups are welcomed to SBH where they learn about the reality of hunger and explore creative ways to stock the Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry and help our community. 

High school students are paired with a local senior and build a strong bond through weekly visits, calls and occasional outings together. 

Night in Syria
High school join seniors at Ahi Ezer Senior Housing to celebrate a night of authentic Middle Eastern food, music and of course, some dancing.

Jack Dayan: jdayan@sbhonline.org
Rachel Bawabeh: rbawabeh@sbhonline.org