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A Full Spectrum of SBH Resources for Manhattan

This dedicated branch of SBH brings our programs and volunteer opportunities to the rapidly growing Manhattan community. With a dedicated professional staff and all the resources that make SBH the safety net of the Sephardic Community, this new initiative is here to meet the needs of the community.

This Year's Highlights
Meals Donated By Volunteers
Attendees at Manhattan Events

Meaningful Meals
Help cook individual meals for hospital patients, home-bound individuals or anyone in need.

Hospital Visiting
Spearheading the “bikur holim” mission in Manhattan is our visiting program. Our wonderful volunteer visitors bring joy to those who could use a little company or cheering up.

Gourmet Giving at Moise Safra Center
Learn new recipes from community chefs to help fill the SBH Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry at the Moise Safra Center, where we prepare over 800 meals per week.

Food Connection
Volunteer to cook gourmet dishes for our food pantry from the comfort of your own home. This program provides the pantry with 300+ meals a week and is always looking for new volunteers to help out!

Volunteering in Manhattan
We offer a variety of different opportunities for our NYC-based community members to give back, including: cooking meals and visiting people in the hospital, doctor’s appointment accompaniment, event planning, driving, and more.



Visiting with a patient or a patient’s family is not always an easy thing to do. It can be very difficult to see their sad faces and all that they are going through. When I walk in to the room and bring a smile to their face, this is what keeps me strong. It is one of the most rewarding experiences. ”
-Teri Blanco, Volunteer, Visiting Services

The highlight of my day in the hospital is dinner time, the one time when I actually feel myself, in my own dining room, eating my own familiar food. I am going through so much physically and emotionally, I can’t begin to explain what a difference a home cooked meal make. ”

When I heard SBH was opening a branch in Manhattan, I volunteered right away, and its one of the best decision I have ever made. Working on the Meaningful Meals program has been extremely rewarding and gratifying. The feeling of helping a person in need is nothing less than incredible! ”
-Isadora Haddad, Meaningful Meals volunteer

I was feeling down and depressed. Once again I was going to have to cancel my treatment appointment because there was no one to watch my 5 children. Suddenly I got a phone call. It was as if an angel was sent to me from Hashem. She wanted to take my kids to the amusement park for the day. This girl who didnt know me was there to help me all with a smile on her face. I knew that everything would be ok. ”

Phone: 718-787-1100 x358
Email: mcatton@sbhonline.org