Strengthening Families by Supporting our Children
The youngest members of our community can reap the benefits of our notable programs and resources in the Family Services Division. We believe that encouraging and caring for our children, especially those who are struggling, is at the core of the SBH mission. Educational, recreational and motivational programming keeps our children safe, happy and healthy, which in turn has a big impact on the entire family structure and the future of our community.
Lucille & and Arthur Greenberg
SEARCH Program
SEARCH’s mission is to enable our community’s children to complete their schooling successfully, with both their education and self-esteem intact. SEARCH stands for Sephardic Educational Advocacy and Resources for Children. Its main objective is to help parents navigate the process of obtaining government funded services from the NYC Department of Education, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling and resource room. In addition, we help parents understand their children’s specific learning profiles and challenges, and assist in determining appropriate school placement for their children. We provide relevant educational programming for the community in the area of education and children’s issues. The PECC Program — Parent Engagement Community Center — offers free one-on-one parenting sessions for parents of school aged children in community yeshivot in Brooklyn. SEARCH also provides guidance and advocacy in the Jersey Shore Division. For more information about SEARCH, contact Sari Tawil at 718-787-1100 x361
This program is made possible in-part by the generous funding of the Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc. It is through the legacy of Slomo and Cindy Silvian that SEARCH is able to guide, support and educate the many families that we do each year.
Amy Haber a”h Children’s Tutoring Program
Our Homework Club offers the help of professional teachers and volunteers in a group setting. In addition, children of clients who need one on-one help are connected with a volunteer tutor that can work with them at SBH or in the privacy of their home.
Government Entitlements
Our team of professionals help identify and secure federal and state entitlements for all those who are eligible. These may include food stamps, citizenship, Medicare, Medicaid, HEAP, social security, SCRIE and more.
Parent Engagement Center
Our Parent Engagement Center offers one on one skills training for parents by licensed social workers. Learn how to help your child with issues like, adjusting to the new normal, social skills, time management and organization, confidence, anger/anxiety, tech usage, navigating parent-child relationship, sibling rivalry and more. Parents of Title 1 students ages five and older are eligible for this program.
Hidary Family Financial Assistance
Under the supervision of our Allocation Committee, SBH provides crucial financial relief to families in need towards rent, food, utilities and other areas of need, while simultaneously implementing a comprehensive plan to help them achieve self-sufficiency.
“ It was heartwarming in the most indescribably satisfying way to have been a part of the Big Brother Big Sister program.
– Leon Tawil, Big Brother volunteer ”
“ This letter is in appreciation for the hard work you did for our special education daughter. You helped her change her school from public to Jewish. She was under no supervision for kosher food, missing Jewish education and environment, and for that we send special thanks. ”
“ We want to thank you so much for your most precious and generous gift of tefillin. ”
Big Brother Big Sister: sbhbigbrotherbigsister@gmail.com
SEARCH: 718-787-1100 x304