Feeding the Hungry
The Sarah Sutton a”h Food Division has been a haven of sustenance for thousands of people over the years. It feeds hundreds of families a week, from those who don’t know where their next meal is coming from, to those who just need an extra hand until they are back on their feet. Donations also come from all walks of life – supermarkets, celebrations, mothers who cook extra to relieve the burden of another, groups who come together to make batches of delicacies, and so much more.
Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry
SBH is the proud home of one of the largest kosher food pantries in Brooklyn. The Pantry is constantly stocked with an array of food necessities including boxed and canned goods, perishable and non-perishable kitchen staples, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a freezer full of homemade meals. Many of our divisional programs support the upkeep of this pivotal resource.
Family Plus One Cooked Meals
Family Plus-One is a volunteer-based program that feeds over 150 families each and every weeknight. Once a week, community women cook one more dish than they need for their own families and donate it to other community families in need. Another set of volunteers pick up the food and deliver it directly to the Food Pantry freezers where clients can go and choose what they desire.
Yeshivas at the Pantry
Our yeshiva students are no strangers to the Food Pantry. Class trips are organized by almost every community school, and the students are always eager to lend a hand. They unpack boxes, stock the shelves, and organize the goods. To ensure the students understand the importance of their volunteer work at the Pantry, our team has developed an educational program for each visiting class. Through a dynamic, hands-on scenario, the students receive lunch based on a profile card they are each given. The cards are based loosely on community individuals at different financial levels. Immediately, a lively discussion ensues and by program’s end, the students walk away having learned the importance of an institution like SBH, and their contributions to those less fortunate.
School Food Drives
Many of our local yeshivas run independent food campaigns such as can and Passover drives to collect goods for the pantry. Items are brought in by children of all ages.
Morris, Abe & Joey Hanan & Families
Shabbat Meals Program
Home & Hospital– Volunteers execute the cooking and delivering of homemade Shabbat meals families and individuals in our community. The recipients include elderly, struggling mothers, or those going through medical difficulties.
Cooking with Soul
This program combines hesed, friendship, and cooking to assist in filling our pantry. Home-cooked meals are prepared by small private groups of friends and family who are eager to join together to give back. They provide delicious homemade food for the holidays, Shabbat, special occasions or just a regular weeknight meal.
Sophie Levy a”h Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels provides home-cooked meals on a short-term basis for families in need, Monday through Friday, for up to two weeks. The home made meals are cooked and delivered daily by our volunteer chefs and drivers.
Holiday Meals Program in honor of Rena Ashear
Our holidays are inextricably intertwined with the consumption of food. Holiday meals not only enhance the festive occasions, but also help bring family and friends closer together. Our goal at SBH is to give every community family the foods they need to make their holidays extra special. This is accomplished by giving out food vouchers, delivering food packages, and by keeping our pantry fully stocked with specialty items.
Text to Shop
Each week, text messages are sent out with a list of items needed in our Pantry. Shoppers then buy the designated items and deliver them to the Food Pantry for distribution. Many of our local supermarkets offer to do these deliveries as well.
Feed It Forward sponsored by Oved, Betesh, Pardo Families
Our community is blessed to take part in many happy celebrations throughout the year, many of which provide an abundance of food for guests. Feed it Forward gives party hosts the opportunity to donate any leftover food to the Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry. It is a beautiful way for families to share their semahot with others in need.
Papa Joe’s Snacks Program in memory of Joseph Maijor a”h
Each month on Rosh Hodesh, local community schools run food drives to collect non-perishable snacks for our pantry. This children-for-children concept ensures that clients and their families have sufficient snacks for school.
Diane Azrak a”h For the Love of Dough
Volunteers host friends and family in their kitchen to bake fresh hallot for widows and seniors that are then delivered before Shabbat by our elementary school volunteers.To host a hallah bake in your home, contact Cheri Srour at 917-768-1196
“ I want to let you know how grateful I am to the SBH Food Pantry. I received cooked food for Shabbat from these wonderful girls who took the time to do such a great hesed and helped me immensely. Being a working single mom of three I don’t always have the time or the money to make a Shabbat meal. Thanks to these women, my children and I will enjoy having this meal for Shabbat! In addition, I would like to thank Ilene for all her time, effort and great kindness and for always making sure my children have enough food on the table. Also to my social worker Annie who is always there for me when I need her, giving me great advice and always making sure I am ok. May Hashem bless you all. Thank You SBH!”
“ The SBH Food Pantry not only provided us with the staples that we needed, but they got us snacks for my children’s lunch. No one on the lunch table is able to tell that we are having trouble making ends meet.”
“ Thank you to the special ladies who packaged and delivered Shabbat food every Friday. We look forward to their sweet smiles and friendly words.”
“ You mean I can walk into the butcher like everyone else? I can buy a pot roast? We have not had pot roast in weeks!”
To volunteer or donate: volunteer@sbhonline.org