Providing Care for the Jersey Shore Community
Our Deal office provides the Jersey Shore community with the help and support they need in times of crisis. With compassion, discretion, and respect, our dedicated staff and volunteers are there to make sure the needs of every family and individual are met.

Al & Sonny Gindi a”h Client Division
Client care is at the heart of our organization. When families and individuals find themselves in need, our Client Division is there to answer their call for help with financial, emotional and familial support. Staff and trained volunteers use the entire organization’s resources to create a holistic and multi-faceted treatment plan for each case, fostering deep-rooted healing and lasting independence.
Albert J. Sutton & Sam N. Sasson Career Division
With the supervision and support of our exemplary staff and volunteer advisory team, the Career Division stands as the premier job readiness and placement program for anyone seeking employment or looking to hire. We assist both employers and job seekers as they navigate the challenges of today’s job market across all industries.
Government Entitlements
We assist community members with applications for unemployment, governments grants, federal programs and insurance benefits including home health aids, nursing homes/assisted living placements, social security, Medicare, SSI, SSD, WIC, Food Stamps, rent assistance and more.
Shiloach Family Food Services Program
Food Pantry
Our Sarah Sutton a”h Food Pantry has grown to be the largest kosher food pantry on the Jersey Shore. It currently serves hundreds of community members, providing fresh produce, basic staples, meat, chicken, toiletries, paper goods, cleaning supplies and more. With the help of our volunteers, supporters and partner organizations, we provide everything from groceries to those without food in their cupboards, to meals for people who just need an extra hand until they’re back on their feet.
Lorraine & Louis a”h Shamie Senior Division
Seniors enjoy a variety of virtual social, educational and charitable activities throughout the year. This includes our Golden Girls and Rosh Hodesh monthly program, bi-weekly Knitting Club, virtual tours, holiday parties on Hanukkah and Purim, as well as lectures and seminars on senior-related topics.
Youth Division
Our official Youth Committee for the Deal community is a great place for high schoolers to give back, enjoy each other’s company and learn what it takes to be a leader. We have consistent programs and events for high school students including homework help, senior programming, visiting, delivering, holiday programming and much more.
Gabriel a”h & Marcelle Chehebar Volunteer Division
Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. We strive to empower our volunteers with a variety of fulfilling opportunities to give back to others. Through unique experiences that cater to every individual volunteer’s skills and area of interest, we provide rewarding and engaging opportunities while offering support to our community. We are always open to new ideas and look forward to working together to better meet our community’s needs. The rewards of making a difference, giving of yourself with your heart, and reaching out to people in need are priceless. Join us!